Lokelsie Barnett with Air Force One

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 On the historic occasion of US President Barack Obama's visit to Jamaica on 8 April 2015, AJAS were the handlers for the entire Presidential Flight and Lokelsie was the operator of the passenger stairs on which the President descended to Jamaican soil from Air Force One. Our Safety and Compliance Manager was moved to say: "Mr. L. Barnett, who parked the stairs on Air Force One last evening, deserves special commendation. The meticulous approach as well as the final positioning of the mobile stairs during such a tense moment, was flawless." High praises indeed, and well-deserved!

In the words of Lokelsie Barnett himself: "I really enjoyed the moment! I must say I consider it a privilege to have been chosen to do such an important and noble task. My years of experience helped me to be able do this task; I have done this before... not for a President's flight but other VIP flights. This though tops it all! I was very happy that it was done without any glitches or hitches and so I'm extremely happy about how things have turned out." Lokelsie is a Ramp Supervisor and has been a valued member of Team AJAS for 25 years.

The MD, on behalf of all team members, commends and thanks Lokelsie for his professionalism on this very memorable occasion. You have made us all proud.


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